The Interface between Motivation, Leadership and Work

Author Details

Simon Obwatho, John O. Magambo, OP

Journal Details


Published: 15 August 2018 | Article Type :


The concept of motivation encompasses understanding of various cultures across the globe. Workers see work as an activity that is part of their life, growth, and self-expression. Their needs are determined largely by the cultural context of values and attitudes along with the national variables in which they live and work. A firm’s capital without human agency is inert. Leaders with international perspective must have the ability to juggle multiple and potentially conflicting roles. Such rolesare compounded by the interaction of the content, the context, decisions made and the attributes of the leader. The interconnectedness of the world offers a tremendous opportunity for organizations as they seek ways to respond to rapid shifts in customer demands and increasing globalization of markets. This interplay determines productivity and quality. while employees gain satisfaction, actualization and a positive work climate. The results from these outcomes then act as a feedback injected into the cycle of the motivation and leadership process.

Keywords: Motivation, Work as an activity that is part of life, growth, Cultural context of values and attitude, Leaders with International perspective, Multiple and potentially conflicting roles, both content and context, The Interconnectedness of the world, Globalization of markets, Productivity and Quality.

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How to Cite


Simon Obwatho, John O. Magambo, OP. (2018-08-15). "The Interface between Motivation, Leadership and Work." *Volume 1*, 2, 11-13